Bruising the Head of Satan

God, Jesus, and the Holy Angels Teach Mankind How to Fight Evil

What's in the Book?

Select a topic below to see some of the many questions answered by God, Jesus, and the Holy Angels in the book Bruising the Head of Satan.

God the Father

Is God in control of the natural elements?

Has God always been in existence?

How did God come into existence?

How does God feel about souls in Hell?

Does God do anything randomly?

Does God ever make mistakes?

Is the name of God a proper name, a title, or both?

Is it proper to call Jesus by the name of God?

Is it possible for God and Jesus to think differently about an issue?

How do God's duties differ from Jesus' duties?

How does God differ from Jesus?

Is thunder the voice of God?

Why does the thunder always follow the lightning?

Do God and Jesus look exactly alike?

What is God's throne room like?

What is God's throne made of?

Who sits on the left hand of God?

Who else sits in God's throne room?

How is God's robe distinguished from others in Heaven?

Does God have a staff or a sceptre?

Does God wear jewelry or adornments?

Does God have gray hair?

Why is it important to God for humans to pray?

Does God hear and respond to all prayer?

What does God think when a man is angry with him?

Is God too great for the angels to understand?

What does God say is the primary message of this book?

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